Thursday 28 August 2008


I always thought that my hands and feet were of disproportionate size to my body... now I have science on my side to prove it.

Reading through an article recently ("Body-Based Units of Measurement: Size matters in more ways than one") I was pleased/ shocked to discover my disproportions! A cubit is supposed to be the length in between your elbow joint tot he tip of your middle finger, which for the average male is about 18 inches. Mine is a good 2 inches longer than that- an addition of 11%!!! For any bible readers, a lot of measurements (ie Noah's bible) will be in cubits, especially older versions.

I have always enjoyed being an anatomy geek (for example, my favourite muscle in the body is the Tibialis Anterior) and have always love small things about the make up of the human body, for example, your hand span (distance from your thumb tip to pinky tip when your hand is fully stretched) is the same length as your inner forearm. Your feet should also be the same length as this.

So, to my horror/ joy, my feet are another inch bigger than my hands, meaning that they are about 16% bigger than the average size for my height!!! So technically, this means that I should be about 6"7 and probably a superstar of the NBA.

Still, if that happened I probably wouldn't have met my wife to be (in 44 days!).

I've also greatly enjoyed finding out new and exciting ways to use Microsoft Excel (apart from the obvious ass-kicking formula's!). If you hold down "Alt" and press "Enter" then it allows to to go down a line within that cell, thus making it much better for presentation purposes.

This is a crazy world in which we live.

Sunday 10 August 2008

Olympic Fever Has Hit...

It's fast. It's furious. And it's here! The Olympic Games, held in China in 2008, have commenced! Not without well documented issues and controversies, but nonetheless, it's well and truly here. Typically, England have already won 0 medals to USA's 98, but this time is completely different for me... I have a legitimate claim to chant and cheer on our American hero's. I've not got my Green Card yet, but thanks to bagging me a blond-haired stunner of an American, I can celebrate sporting excellence!

It means the Olympics will never quite be the same for me. True, as long as triple-jumping, rowing and Paula Radcliffe are around, we have guaranteed gold medals (I mean, even I can jump a length that would qualify me for the women's triple-jump competition!), I will never really have the build up of one unheard athlete who has freakishly made it to a final and could hit the giddy heights of bronze. From here on out, only gold is good enough for me.

There is nothing quite like it when Great Britain have a chance of a medal- I really can't explain it. Whoever the competitor, in whatever the event; I scream and urge them on with all I have within me. Never again, I am now an elitist!

Still... this following video is immense. The first qualifying heat of the 100m men's freestyle; then Eric the Eel was born. I can't help but laugh, this was fro the 2000 Sydney Games. Quality.

P.S. I apologise that this is an Australian studio broad casted programme. Watching this live was one of the greatest moments of my sport-watching history. Please bear with the whole 4 minutes!

Wednesday 6 August 2008

I'm No Lyre...

Liz has found out- post engagement, I hasten to add- that I have a real love for animal programs and animals (not so much measly domestic ones, but crazy wild ones!!). I have book on the subject (soon to be books, I hope) and will read it while in the bathroom- I'll often announce said duty done with a fascinating animal fact that bewilders and amazes! 

I feel that below is a certain animal who is most extraordinary, yet has surprisingly little coverage given its unexpected, yet sensational talent.

If I could be a bird, I probably would be this one, but still, this is ruddy brilliant!

Lyre Bird, take a bow...

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Cell Phone Fun...

Cell phones have many uses... phoning people; people phoning you; getting and receiving texts. These days you can even take still images and moving images on most phones and listen to music. But this video represents a clear favourite use of cell phones:


Immense. I especially like that chinese people are getting excited.