Tuesday 17 May 2011


This is not my first post about toilets... believe it or not!

Something that's been on my mind for a while are school toilets. Remember when you were at school and toilets were the place to avoid a) because they smell awful and never get cleaned and b) the rumours that the "big boys" are waiting to flush someone's head down a toilet? Well...I never thought there would be a day when I looked forward to using the college toilets but now I work on site I just can't wait for a change of lavatories tomorrow!

Note to anyone visiting this site- go to the toilet before you get here!

Internet Searches...

I can't think of a person who hasn't Googled their own name- often with hilarious results.

With a name as common as "Brown" I have never seen me appear anywhere before page 4 of results- and it often gives suggested related comments to narrow down the results.

Today's search (no, I don't do it every day) offered the following narrowing-downs; "Phil Brown Brothel". Not something I particularly want to be associated with! I much prefer the "Phil Brown Footballer" option!

Monday 28 March 2011

The Cornfords...

The Cornfords left for Perth 9 months ago today. I know this because Josephine was born the day before they left, in a characteristically laid back fashion. A routine Cornford family visit turned into a rushed 5 minute visit hours before they departed- Josephine was supposed to be born two days earlier but took 47 hours to make an entrance after labour started! Such is our love for the Cornford family (a love that now goes back 3 generations!) that they were to see Josephine even before her doting English Grandparents!

We are truly full of admiration for the Cornfords- especially my wife who knows the harsh and largely unexpected reality of culture shock from one English speaking country to another.

This blog won't offer much more insight than picked up from reading his frequent blogs of his adventures down-under, and will not - and indeed can not - pay a full tribute to the Cornford family, their enthusiasm for the gospel, life and each other... just a note to say that we miss them, love them dearly, that they are never far from our thoughts and prayers and how jealous we are of Sam and Anna Isaacson being out there for the next two weeks!!!

I like that Josephine's life markers will also be a marker for the Cornfords time faithfully serving in Australia... there always has been a nice symmetry to the Brown-Cornfords families!

What a Difference Nine Months Makes...

Yesterday Josephine Kate Brown celebrated her 9th monthiversary! What a difference 9 months can make...

She's gone from this...(day one)

To this...(a few months)

To this...(eight months-ish)

To this...(nine months)

What a stunner! My life has been changed by this girl. In fact, my life has been changed by two females hugely in the last 4 years - I feel like a blessed man indeed. Josephine Kate is the biggest time-waster known to man, I can watch her being her for hours. She looks just like her mom (thank goodness) and has the most relaxed temprement I've ever seen in a baby. I'm biassed, I know, but this is one special little girl who warms the heart of whoever meets her.

She is a tribute to the wonderful mothering of a fantastic woman.

One day soon my little darling will start crawling, walking and talking- she won't seem so little then. I'm cherishing these days with her more than I thought I ever would. At the risk of being soppy... I love my girls!