Tuesday, 17 May 2011


This is not my first post about toilets... believe it or not!

Something that's been on my mind for a while are school toilets. Remember when you were at school and toilets were the place to avoid a) because they smell awful and never get cleaned and b) the rumours that the "big boys" are waiting to flush someone's head down a toilet? Well...I never thought there would be a day when I looked forward to using the college toilets but now I work on site I just can't wait for a change of lavatories tomorrow!

Note to anyone visiting this site- go to the toilet before you get here!

Internet Searches...

I can't think of a person who hasn't Googled their own name- often with hilarious results.

With a name as common as "Brown" I have never seen me appear anywhere before page 4 of results- and it often gives suggested related comments to narrow down the results.

Today's search (no, I don't do it every day) offered the following narrowing-downs; "Phil Brown Brothel". Not something I particularly want to be associated with! I much prefer the "Phil Brown Footballer" option!