Friday, 12 June 2009

Cam Your Bodia...

Yes, this blog title has been stolen from my wife. Yes, it is hilarious and should indeed be the title of the Meseg-Smith blog about Cambodia for the next two months. And yes, I have completed Paris Hiltons Diamond Quest on my phone. Twice.

All burning questions of yours, I’m sure.

Today is the day that I’m finally rid of my in-way-over-my-head tender… and I have spent the afternoon reorganising my desk after what looked like a paper explosion (and those that know me are aware that that’s a) something I don’t usually put up with and b) is hard to admit) and sorting out my college files. So, I thought now that is done and there is half an hour left of my working week, I’d let the world know of my recent adventures!!!


Last weekend Liz and I were heavily involved maybe the most disorganised and hectic wedding that I’ve ever been a part of- I was an usher/groomsman and Liz was the hottie whom everyone looked out for- and I LOVED it. Dan and Anna aren’t usually this disorganised, but Anna, bless her, was told on the Wednesday before her wedding day that she was to have an interview for a job on Friday morning, 24 hours before her wedding day!!!

To tell you the truth, I love rolling up my sleeves and getting involved in serving good friends, God and the local church, whether it be a house move or helping set out desks after our church service. It’s one of my favourites. And it was a real honour to be able to bless such brilliant friends on their wedding day and ensure they had a mostly stress free and relaxing day.


Liz and I are moving!!! To those of you we are close with and know and love- we’ll send you our new address via email! However, moving is stressful. It means a major upheaval of pretty much everything that’s familiar. It means sifting through box after box that is stowed in the attic and being ruthless with what we need to keep! It’s an exhausting process.

God has been blessing us immensely through this. Having just signed on the dotted line and put in our notice at our current place it dawned on us… poop, we don’t have anything we need for an unfurnished house!!! We drew up a list of all the things we absolutely needed to live and I emailed the McCullough’s (a family in our church who are moving to start a new church in Istanbul) and asked if there was anything they could lend us/ give us. Andy sent a swift email back offering every single item that was on our list, no less, and a little bit more (namely a pair of y-fronts). Brilliant.


A link was sent to me last week- THIS is my kind of meal…

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