Friday, 14 May 2010

It's a Bad Day When...

It’s never a good day when one of the following happens…

…You get out of the shower and into your clothes, then decide it’s time to discard the chicken stock that’s been in your fridge for two weeks…only for it to slip and cover you in foul smelling ming.

…you cycle to work, get to work and find that you didn’t bring spare boxers or socks. Am now sat at my desk with my tighty-whitey’s (which only ever make appearance for sporting occasions) and white trainer socks. I look like Michael Jackson when I walk – not the style of walk, more the white socks/ pale skin with dark trousers. I’m currently trying to convince my wife to bring me some spares…

Surely this day can only get better with a night of Bones, Glee and Jonathon Ross!

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